Desired outcome
A fire and rescue service that improves the safety and wellbeing of its communities by reducing risks and incidents in the built environment. It does this through educating and regulating those responsible for keeping buildings safe to adopt safer behaviours and delivering proportionate and robust fire protection activities, complying with its statutory responsibilities.
One with a competent protection workforce which are targeted in line with its Community risk management plan, utilising data and business intelligence to optimise resources. It proactively plans, responds and adapts to the diverse and changing needs of its Community, ensuring its services are equally available to all.
A service with a learning and sharing culture, working collaboratively with Others where appropriate, seeking to improve and innovate protection activities. One that contributes to a more consistent national approach to reducing risk and keeping communities safe.
Service Delivery
Business Area(s)
- Date approved
- Date issued
- Review date
- Reference number
What is required to meet the fire standard
Identifying risk and gathering evidence
- through its Community risk management planning:
- identify and understand its risk profile related to the built environment, including premises they need to regulate; and
- ensure equality of fire safety provision by considering the needs of the whole Community
- gather and maintain an accurate risk profile and supporting information about relevant premises in a manner that is compliant with legislation;
- make available information about premises to all employees who need it when required, allowing them to be informed, stay safe and effectively carry out their duties;
- ensure there is a mechanism for employees to feedback any new or emerging information or risks about buildings as a result of them carrying out their duties, to enable it to maintain an accurate risk profile;
Decision making, planning and deployment of resources
- plan and deliver effective and robust protection activities to mitigate and reduce the risks identified through its Community risk management planning in compliance with the Regulator’s Code and the principles of Better Regulation;
- maintain an ability to deliver necessary statutory protection activities at all times;
- plan and deliver engagement with those who are responsible for keeping relevant premises safe to provide advice and education in a constructive and helpful way on matters relating to fire safety, petroleum, and explosives legislation, including:
- working to reduce the number of Unwanted Fire Signals (UwFS) that are generated from premises protected by automatic fire detection and fire alarm systems;
- actively promoting and supporting Primary Authority Partnership schemes in compliance with relevant Primary Authority legislation, where appropriate; and
- ensuring Equality of Access to fire safety provisions by removing communication barriers when issuing information, advice, or taking enforcement action.
- respond to statutory and non-statutory consultations, where the service is a regulator, in a timely and appropriate way;
- collaborate with fire and rescue services and other partners to deliver protection and enforcement activities in the most efficient and effective way possible;
Training, competence and capacity
- recruit, train, develop and maintain a competent and professional protection workforce by
- adopting the Competency Framework for Fire Safety Regulators (the framework), where relevant to the role and embedding it into local policies, procedures, tailored guidance, and training materials; and
- recording and monitoring competence.
- have in place necessary succession planning and processes to maintain a sustainable competent protection workforce;
- provide support to operational response employees and any other employees undertaking protection activities to build knowledge and understanding;
Evaluation and improvement
- demonstrate how it monitors and evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of its protection activities; and
- generate a culture which embraces national and organisational learning allowing it to identify and capture feedback from a range of sources; evaluate, share and act upon it to drive innovation and continuous improvement and enhance future performance;
Where Fire Investigation is managed within a fire and rescue service’s protection function, a fire and rescue service must:
- investigate, report on and learn from the cause and behaviour of fires, working with Others when appropriate.
Where Petroleum or Explosives regulation is managed within its protection function, a fire and rescue service must:
- investigate, report on and learn from causes of petroleum and explosives related incidents.
To support this Fire Standard, a fire and rescue service should:
- Maximise opportunities gained from supporting the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) network by sharing learning and experiences, collaborating with Others and contributing to the continual improvement of fire protection activities;
- Contribute and support national campaigns and initiatives, where appropriate and where resources are available.
Expected benefits of achieving the fire standard
- Reduction in incidents, injuries, and fatalities and improved Community safety due to services supporting businesses with compliance.
- Improved regulatory compliance relating to fire safety, petroleum, and explosives.
- Improved competency and capacity in the protection workforce.
- Improved evaluation to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of protection activities.
Legal requirements or mandatory duties
This Fire Standard reflects only the most appropriate legislation to this topic. We recognise that fire and rescue services must comply with a broader list of legislation to undertake their duties, which would be applicable to all standards. View the legislation which applies to all Fire Standards.
- Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
- Environment and Safety Information Act
- The Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations
- The Explosives Regulations
- Fire and Rescue National Framework for England
- Building Safety Act
- Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
- Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act
- Police and Criminal Evidence Act
- Regulators Code
- Criminal Procedures and Investigations Act (CPIA)
- Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act
Linked qualifications, accreditations or fire standards
- Code of Ethics Fire Standard
- Community Risk Management Planning Fire Standard
- Apprenticeships
- Fire Investigation Fire Standard
- Prevention Fire Standard
For all buildings regulated under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005:
- Non-Fire Safety Specialist personnel – appropriate fire safety training
- Fire Safety Advisor – Level 3 Certificate in Fire Safety
- Fire Safety Inspector – Level 4 Diploma in Fire Safety
- Fire Safety Competent Manager – Level 4 Diploma in Fire Safety
- Fire Engineering Design Technician – Level 5 Diploma in Fire Safety Engineering Design
- Fire Safety Engineer – Level 6 Degree in Fire Safety Engineering and/or MSc/MEng in Fire Safety Engineering
- Senior Fire Safety Engineer – Level 7 MSc/MEng in Fire Safety Engineering (or equivalent) and Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council.
For Higher Risk Premises:
- Fire Safety Inspector – Level 4 Diploma in Fire Safety and relevant registration with a professional body
- Fire Safety Competent Manager – Level 4 Diploma in Fire Safety and relevant registration with a professional body
- Fire Engineering Design Technician – Level 5 Diploma in Fire Engineering Design and registration as an Engineering Technician with the Engineering Council.
- Fire Safety Engineer – Level 6 Degree in Fire Engineering and/or MSc/MEng in Fire Engineering and actively working towards Incorporated or Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council.
- Senior Fire Safety Engineer – Level 7 MSc/MEng in Fire Safety Engineering (or equivalent) and Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council.
Guidance and supporting information
Glossary of terms
A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Community Risk Management Planning
The process by which services identify community risks, estimates of the impact of those risks should they occur, and define their preventative and response activities to them for their geographic area of responsibility. Services collate this information in a risk management plan (known previously as an Integrated Risk Management Plan) or to align with latest guidance – a Community Risk Management Plan.
Equality of Access
The responsibility of ensuring all services and information provided by a fire and rescue service to the public or within their organisation, is inclusive and accessible.
A collective term to describe the parties that may be pertinent to the activity described in the standard. This might include both organisations or the employees and volunteers of those organisations such as but not limited to, other fire and rescue services, partner organisations, other emergency responder agencies, stakeholders or members of a community.
Person-Centred Approach
An approach that places the individual and the communities served by the fire and rescue service at the core of its prevention activity.
Prevention Activity
Activities or initiatives delivered by fire and rescue services aiming to reduce risks or threats to health in communities
Prevention Strategy
The approach being taken by a fire and rescue service in relation to delivering its prevention activities. This may be a single document or something which is part of a larger group of documents depending on how the service approaches its strategic planning for the organisation.
To protect another person’s right to live and work in safety, free from abuse and harm.
You Said, We did
If you have taken part in a consultation, you may be interested to read our post-consultation “You said, we did” report to see how your feedback has shaped this Fire Standard.
Note Please contact the Fire Standards team within the NFCC for any queries or support with regards to this Fire Standard [email protected]