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Prevention Fire Standard

The NFCC Prevention Programme is in the process of developing guidance to support services and more will follow over the coming months. It is recognised that currently limited national guidance is available but what is available now is to support services in their Prevention work, along with information about the Prevention Programme, can be found on programme page on

It was recognised that at the time of publication, limited supporting guidance was currently available to assist services in using and implementing this Fire Standard.

We are grateful for all the feedback we received through the consultation, all of which has been considered. We have provided an explanation and rationale for the changes made in the table below.

Approved Standard

Take a look at the Fire Standard that was published following your feedback to the consultation.


You Said We Did
The Desired Outcome was not clear in stating that Prevention activities should drive changing behaviours in communities which would then see a reduction in risks and incidents and improve their health, safety and wellbeing. It was agreed this is a key point to include in the standard so the Desired Outcome statement has been amended to emphasise this important aspect.
The Fire Standard did not emphasise the importance of collaborative work that takes place with partners and stakeholders to deliver services. We have strengthened this point within both the Desired Outcome and the To Achieve this Fire Standard sections, adding it to a number of different areas where you have told us that collaborative working takes place.


You Said We Did
Although fire safety is a statutory duty, road and water safety is not. The Fire Standard needs to reflect the range of prevention work services do. We have used the more generic prevention term prevention activities within the Fire Standard. This term will soon be found within the accompanying glossary and describes all the varying prevention activities that are undertaken by fire and rescue services, noting those that are statutory and those which are not. The glossary will be published soon.
The public should have equal and inclusive access to all services provided to them. We have emphasised the importance of inclusivity, by adding that services must identify the diversity within their communities and provide equality of access to all.
Fire Investigation could be made clearer to state that a service should not only undertake Fire Investigation, but they should learn from the causes of incidents. We realised we had not made clear at the time of consultation that a separate and specific Fire Standard for Fire Investigation was planned and therefore we would not go into full detail on this topic within either this or the Protection Fire Standard. However, we have made reference to the importance of developing a learning culture to continually improve service delivery.
Fire and rescue services should support and contribute to national campaigns alongside delivering their local risk plans. We have added this as an additional activity that services should undertake, in order to support a national approach to prevention.


You Said We Did
Many benefits listed are subjective and would be difficult to quantify and measure. We have reviewed the benefits section in its entirety and refined the benefits that remain to ensure they are both appropriate and measurable.


You Said We Did
There is limited guidance and supporting documentation to assist services in delivering good prevention activities in all areas. The Prevention Programme has used the feedback provided from this consultation to prioritise the production of guidance for the benefit of services. More details of this work can be found on the UKFRS website.

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